Get to know your fabrics...

When considering sustainable fabrics, there are several options that are more environmentally conscious compared to traditional materials. Here are some of the most sustainable swimwear fabric choices:

Recycled Nylon: Swimwear made from recycled nylon, often derived from discarded fishing nets or post-consumer waste, is an eco-friendly option. This fabric reduces waste and minimizes the extraction of new resources.

Recycled Polyester: Similar to recycled nylon, swimwear made from recycled polyester utilizes plastic bottles or other polyester waste, diverting them from landfills and reducing the demand for new polyester production.

Organic Cotton: While cotton itself requires significant water and pesticide use during cultivation, opting for organic cotton swimwear eliminates the use of harmful chemicals and promotes more sustainable farming practices.

Econyl®: Econyl® is a regenerated nylon fabric made from a variety of waste materials, including fishing nets, fabric scraps, and industrial plastic. It is considered a highly sustainable option as it reduces waste and energy consumption.

Tencel™: Tencel™, also known as lyocell, is a cellulose-based fabric made from sustainably sourced wood pulp. It is produced using an environmentally friendly closed-loop process that recycles solvents and minimizes water consumption.

Hemp: Hemp is a natural fiber that requires minimal water and pesticides to grow. It is known for its durability and breathability, making it a viable choice for swimwear.

Bamboo: Bamboo fabric is derived from the fast-growing bamboo plant, which requires little water and pesticides. However, it is important to choose a bamboo fabric that is processed using environmentally friendly methods, as some bamboo fabric production can involve harmful chemicals.

Flax/Linen: Linen is made from flax fibres and is known for its natural, breathable properties. Flax cultivation typically requires fewer pesticides and water compared to other crops like cotton.                      

When purchasing sustainable swimwear, it's also essential to consider the overall manufacturing practices of the brand, such as fair labour standards and ethical production processes.    


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